Celebros is bringing the power of its Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology to Elasticsearch database users in a way that helps them directly leverage the power of the data they have, in order to drive better ecommerce conversions.

Celastic (Celebros + Elastic), is a new plugin which will bridge the gap between shopper queries and extensive Elasticsearch catalog. This will generate better search results and more satisfied shoppers, which will lead to a better conversion.

Built for ecommerce

Celebros’ NLP technology was designed specifically for use within ecommerce environments, making it uniquely equipped to deal with complex queries—including those containing qualifiers, propositions and a variety of other oddities, such as misspellings, misnomers and contradictions.


Celastic plugin doesn’t change anything within the already established elastic search. Rather, it connects it to Celebros NLP technologies using the plugin to enhance the existing search and returns the results as elastic search documents.

Reliability and scalability

Celastic supports hybrid deployment, where the front end clusters are hosted on customers’ side, thus, allowing customers to add resources as they need.

Powerful BI tools

Celastic combines the power of best-in-class Elastic Business Intelligent tools—including Kibana and Canvas—with Celebros search, to build dashboards, analytics and alerts.

Advanced Features

Using Celastic plugin allowing customers to use all the advanced features included in Celebros conversion pro tools, such as eConverse voice chatbot, Machine Learning, Refinements, Advanced Autocomplete, built-in dictionary, Traffic Builder SEO tool, Cross Sale recommendation engine and more.

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