The conversion blog
More than 5 million developers have downloaded and currently use Elasticsearch for managing huge databases of information. This includes eCommerce developers, who have extensive collections of data for customer information, behaviors, inventory items and much more, which all come together in a marketplace that’s driven by conversions.
Celebros is bringing the power of its Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology to Elasticsearch database users in a way that helps them directly leverage the power of the data they have, to drive better eCommerce conversions. A new plugin—called Celastic (Celebros + Elastic)—will bridge the gap between shopper queries and extensive Elasticsearch databases, generating better search results and more satisfied shoppers.
Typewriters gave way to computers. Floppy disks were replaced by flash drives. Polaroids were driven to extinction by the digital camera. As history has shown us, newer, better technologies are likely to always win out. What’s next in this progression of antiquated innovations? The answer is text-based site search.
Site search that’s still powered by keyword matching or plain text interpretation is soon to go the way of the dinosaur, in favor of semantic search and natural language processing (NLP). Why? Well, like all things now obsolete, it’s falling out of favor and unable to keep up with new demands from other technologies surrounding it.